Full-duplex gigabit access for complete visibility with a laptop.
The USR® Gigabit Ethernet Aggregation TAP with USB monitoring provides an easy, convenient interface to rapidly and effectively deploy analysis tools to observe and monitor traffic non-intrusively between two devices on an ethernet network. Powered over USB 3 or external power supply included with the product for older USB connections.
Eliminate SPAN port contention, oversubscription, and configuration errors with full-duplex monitoring, simple installation, and reliable access to your gigabit ethernet segments. This TAP faultlessly combines and processes both the TX and RX streams of data into a single data stream allowing any connected monitoring device (analyzer, IDS, probe) to receive a full-duplex stream of data over a USB connection.
Ideal for security applications, including link failure propagation for HA designed networks, or anywhere you need non-intrusive dedicated access to your network links for advanced or consolidated monitoring.